"Regnum Mariae" is a Secular Institute made up of people who have been called to live their consecration to God in the world in a spirit of service. It was started within the Order of the Servants of Mary, with which, due to the one vocation, wishes to keep living in fraternal communion.
From the Prologue to the Rule of Life of the Regnum Mariae Responding to the call of the Lord, we try to live as His followers in the Regnum Mariae Secular Institute, inspired by the charism of the Servants of Mary, but we live it as lay women, with specific ways: in the social, professional and political realities, through full involvement in concrete situations in which the Lord puts us. We are fully inserted in activities common to all men and women of our time, sharing their expectations, difficulties and hopes. With our brother Servants of Mary, and with all the Servite Family, we keep relationships of friendship and cooperation, and we try to help keep alive the original charism as people, who within the world live the same spirituality. |
Fraternity, service and Marian inspiration are the aspects that characterize our specific charism. Although each living in their own home and not in community, we, like the Servants, wish to proclaim and witness the Gospel in fraternal communion that becomes service, following the example of the mother of Jesus who "while living on earth a life common at all, filled with family concerns and work, was always intimately united with her Son and cooperated in an entirely unique way to the work of the Saviour" (AA n. 4).
The vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, freely chosen, lead us to discover and search for the beauty of life and for authentic goods: the gift of God's love, free relationships, the contemplation of creation and of the same love of God for whom we live. For us, making profession of the evangelical counsels is not an individual matter, but places us in a relationship with the social, political and ecclesial community and directs us to never lose sight of the meaning of the public and the common good. |
In the footsteps of Mary, mother and servant of the Lord, we try to be, in this world and within history, in the service of God and of all peoples; to her, expression of the highest feminine values, we draw inspiration to fully realize ourselves as women and to engage in a service of love, mercy and tenderness (cfr. RdV art. 7).
The service of God is expressed by listening and proclaiming His Word, drawing from it light and strength to be an active and silent presence, in welcoming, dialoguing and responsible attitude in any situation: at work, in the family and ecclesial community, in social commitment and in cultural or political activities. Every day we devote time to prayer to be able to testify, without any external distinctive sign, the renewing power of the Gospel and to reveal, wherever we are, the tenderness of God and his love. Our prayer and our whole existence want to express praise and gratitude to God for the signs of life and love that we see in every reality and that we want to make grow and develop. |
With the other sisters of the Institute, we wish to live a relationship of true communion, characterized by simplicity, depth and loyalty. We attend meetings of the group that are help to recognize and accept the requests of the world and of the Church and to seek our own way to give them an answer.
We try to establish bonds of fraternity and friendship with those we meet. In particular, we are close to those who we recognize as the poorest, to share with them the difficult path of liberation. We want to serve, understand, and lift the suffering of those who today live every type of poverty, marginalization, and fragility: from the immigrant to the lonely elderly, to the imprisoned, the sick or the poor in economic, social or cultural resources. |