The history of Regnum Mariae, from its origins in 1959 to 1990, year of the international spread, is essentially an "Italian history".
In fact, it is in the Youth Group of the Secular Order of the Servants of Mary, in the parish of the Sacred Heart of Ancona (Italy), that the Institute began. From that first group, still poorly organized, but full of enthusiasm, began to convey the beauty of the gift received that found concrete welcoming in young people who lived near Ancona and, little by little, in others living further. Great fascination was due to the knowledge that, with God's grace, one could live the ordinary things in an extraordinary way, in the midst of people of every day, within all environments, and in sharing daily trials, joys and sufferings. |
It is then in Italy, during the 70’s, that the first confrontation for a definition of the essential guidelines of the charism took place. Thus, from the experiences of each, through the background of conciliar renewal, through debate with the other Secular Institutes and in particular with the other members of the Servite Family, the first Rule of Life was born.
Currently "Regnum Mariae" in Italy includes sisters with Definitive Incorporation, Temporary Incorporation and in the path of formation, together with some Associate Members.
RM is present in various regions and is organized into groups: Group North (Friuli, Veneto, Emilia), Group Pesaro (Marche and Romagna), Group Ancona (Marche, Abruzzo, Lazio), Group South (Puglia and Basilicata) and Group Sicily. |
In Italy, in the countryside of Candia (Ancona), is located in a small restored farmhouse, the official home of the Institute. The meetings of the Central Council, those of the Officers in Italy, meetings of fraternal life and the hosting of the sisters living abroad take place there. Nevertheless, it is also open, independently run, to other realities and to small groups, which want to spend a few days of reflection and rest, both for the soul and the body. In addition, occasionally, the house is also used for meetings aimed to make know the vocation and spirituality of the laity and of people consecrated in Secular Institutes, and for moments of fraternity together with the Servants of Mary and with friends.
The sisters live the "Sequela Christi" (path of following the Lord) through the profession of the evangelical counsels while remaining engaged in their own professional activities, in local churches and in society. Others perform tasks of coordination within the Servite Family and in Secular Institutes organisations at regional or international level. |